The City of East Hope provides potable drinking water from Strong Creek. Our water is filtered through sand filters and treated with chlorine before being distributed to customers. We are very fortunate to have such clean water to work with. The City is required to do monthly and yearly tests on the water system to stay in compliance with the Department of Environmental Quality. Every year in July the City produces a Water Quality Report that is made availabe to the public. In 2014 the electors in the City passed a water bond to improve our treatment and distribution system. This has been a long project with the addition of a new slow sand filter, new distribution lines and a new water storage tank. The City also upgrade all of the mointoring equipment as well.
East Hope Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2023
Water Operator
Marty Lowell is the licensed water operator for the City of East Hope.
Robert Moore
Robert Moore is a licensed operator and now provides back-up water operator services for the City when needed.
Strong Creek
Strong Creek is the City's source for drinking water.